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Meeting Post Farm

September 12-15 2024 Kent Herbel
Stockdog Clinic



Meeting Post Farm is a small hobby farm offering herding lessons and herding clinics on ducks and sheep.  Our facility boasts a 6 acre open field, an 80' control pen, a 50'x100' duck arena, a 20' x 20' take pen, and a 120' x 200' arena.​


Winter may find us working ducks in the expanded stall area, while sheep work is footing and weather dependent.


​Carol Donnelly, has been a licensed AKC herding judge over 12 years for all types of herding (tending, ranch, arena and open field).   With the addition of her Border Collie, Never, to the pack, Carol has expanded into open field trial (USBCHA) training and chore work. 


Carol trials her Pembroke Welsh Corgis, and has brought many to the Advanced levels of competition in both AKC and ASCA.  She has trained through the Herding Championship level with her girl, Belli, who is the first triple champion Pembroke Welsh Corgi in breed history, and Belli's daughter Amelia, also a triple champion.  Belli and Amelia are 2 of only three PWC's who have attained this goal.


Carol works successfully with all breeds, both upright and eyed and is a thoughtful student of the art of herding.  She works with you and your dog as partners, teaching YOU the art of herding. Her methodical approach can help you and your dog reach your herding goals. 


Click on the 'Interested In lessons' button for more information!

About & Subscribe

    MEETING POST FARM  10 POWISSETT ST   DOVER  MA 02030                         

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